Check out the image at the bottom of this post. It's a segment of the main Comp USA website for the new Sony PSP handheld gaming machine. This is the first thing that someone sees when looking for the PSP on their site. The part not shown goes on about the screen size, colors, graphical capabilities and networking as you'd expect. But then at the bottom, there's this paragraph about how cool Sony's new UMD discs are. It then veers off into describing the "robust copyright protection system" developed for this unit. You know, the stuff that makes it harder to move content from one format to another and just generally gets in the way.

Why they thought that this was important enough to warrant a prominent place on the main PSP page, I don't know. Looks like some moron just copied an industry press release from Sony. I mean, who wants to read about how their $250 gaming machine is going to restrict what you can do with it? It like advertising a new DVD player that only works with movies from Blockbuster or something. Very very weird - and unfriendly.
Comp USA PSP Excerpt  


Posted: Fri - March 25, 2005 at 01:06 PM          
