ISP data retention laws 

This would suck. The powers that be are agitating for new data retention laws that would force ISPs to keep track of just about everything you do online and hold that info for years. Imagine - every instant message or email you sent could have it's destination and source logged for use by law enforcement. Any web site you visit or file you download - logged.

This means that at any point in the future, your online activities could be dredged up examined for any purpose or any cause that may be unpopular at the moment. Not to mention that your records are kept by companies who have a less than stellar track record for keeping things like that private. Hell, with info like that being stored, you can be sure that information will leak like a sieve.

Right now these companies keep some of this info, with varying amounts of enthusiasm and effectiveness, so don't think you're immune right now. However, you're free to choose a provider who keeps nothing at all or use anonymizer services. In the future this may not be an option. Even now, having and using privacy tools is extremely important, even for everyday activities.

Check out:

Tor, (A relatively easy-to-use network anonymizer)

Privoxy (included with the complete Tor distribution, helps keep private data from being sent to every web site you visit. Also includes a nice ad-blocking setup as a bonus.)

Firefox with some nice plugins, specifically NoScript, FoxyProxy, SafeCache, and SafeHistory

Learn to use them and use them often. Little brother may be watching. 


Posted: Wed - September 20, 2006 at 10:35 AM          
