Even More Unsubscribe Madness 

And it continues. Previously, I had unsubscribed from Microsoft's newsletters via a ridiculously convoluted process that I detailed here. Well, here it is nearly two weeks later, and I'm getting more mail from Microsoft to the same damn email address. Yes, that painful process I went through was apparently for naught, as I'm still getting their little updates. I opted out of every list they had. Didn't matter.

In fact, I received two new missives from them - one on Monday and one today. In today's message I clicked the unsubscribe link and was taken to a completely different unsubscribe page than the previous one. Fortunately, this one was much simpler - just click what you didn't want, and hit the unsubscribe button. But why the hell should I have to do this? I already told them that I don't want mail from them - period - almost two weeks ago. I guess that doesn't apply here as they're using an outside contractor to manage these messages and unsubscribes. I guess when they said in their previous pages "...we will ask you to create a Passport. Why? So we can be certain we never send mail unless you say so," they really didn't mean it.

Checking in on the message from Monday, this junk mail has an unsubscribe link that leads directly to the Passport hell-hole that I suffered through last time. I logged in to my account anyhow and checked to make sure I wasn't still subscribed to anything. I wasn't, yet here the mail was anyway.

What a bunch of asshats.

Update, later that same day....: Get this - I was just looking at my mail - I received even more mail from them on the 28th of January. Clicking the unsubscribe link takes you to yet another fucking unsubscribe page. That's right, there are now three completely separate (apparently) unconnected systems for unsubscribing to crap from Microsoft (this one from MSN.) What happened to the damn promise to "simplify" this junk by having Passport? IMHO, they are the biggest bunch of fuckwits on the planet.

But it gets better - after using the third MSN form to unsubscribe, it says to make sure you're not subscribed to any more newsletters, please go to the Newsletters Home Page and log into the site. Clicking on the link, it tells me my newsletters account is not linked to a .NET Passport account. This despite the fact that I log into .NET Passport using the same freaking email address. I have to go through a whole huge process to "link" the things together. Logging in, filling out a little form with the same email I just typed in, waiting for a mail message, then clicking on the link to confirm this linkage bullshit. Thus, a whole different set of subscribe/unsubscribe links becomes available, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THAN THE PREVIOUS LINKS WITH A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT INTERFACE.

To whomever manages the newsletters and marketing mail at Microsoft (an I suppose their are probably 75 different groups of you jerks out there): BLOW ME. 


Posted: Wed - February 2, 2005 at 01:25 PM          
