Bill Frist Supports Intelligent Design 

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist came out in favor of intelligent design recently. Frist is a actually a medical doctor, and someone you'd expect to have a firm grasp of biology. You'd be wrong to expect this, of course. See, Frist doesn't even know if you can catch AIDS from tears. Or at least he won't admit it. And he diagnosed Terry Schiavo as being just fine by watching a video tape. Of course later the autopsy proved he was completely wrong.

In all fairness, he recently endorsed stem cell research so he's not all bad. He's been taking a lot of heat from the loony fringe over this. The ID endorsement probably leveled things back out. As long as you remain evenly anti-intelligent, you're OK for a run for president. 


Posted: Sun - August 21, 2005 at 11:51 PM          
