Teresa Heinz "Sides" With Evolution 

It's pretty sad when this sort of thing is actually news: Teresa Heinz, wife of Senator and former presidential candidate John Kerry announced at the "Pittsburgh 2005: Health and the Environment" conference the she's firmly on the side of the scientists when it comes to evolution:
Heinz told about 300 participants at the conference that just as scientists are attacked when they offer evidence of global climate changes, teachers and school board members are being intimidated for teaching evolution.

"This abandonment of science is happening...without any fanfare at all," she said.
I'm glad to have the support, but you know it's getting bad when stuff like this is necessary (and almost refreshing.) Thinking about it, it's like someone stating that they categorically believe the Earth to be spherical - not flat.


Posted: Sun - April 10, 2005 at 11:23 PM          
