ISU Faculty Opposing Idiocy 

This article from the Des Moines Register shows how far intelligent design has infiltrated our educational system. At Iowa State University - a University!!! - they are having a forum "on how the theory of intelligent design should be taught." Ack! They're even calling it a theory. Fortunately, 124 of the ISU faculty have signed a petition opposing the teaching of intelligent design as a scientific theory at the school. But get this:
Guillermo Gonzalez , an ISU astronomy professor who is nationally known for his research on intelligent design, said his colleagues are creating a hostile work climate by circulating the petition.

"I'm really taken back by the viciousness of the attack," Gonzalez said Thursday in an interview with The Des Moines Register. "I'm amazed at the campaign they are orchestrating to try to intimidate me with this petition."
Well, professor, maybe they're getting a little fed up with idiots pushing a "theory" that doesn't have a single piece of evidence backing it up; a "theory" whose only real purpose is to attack the theory of evolution; a "theory" with any merit whatsoever. Perhaps they are tired of fighting a constant battle against the mindless followers of this junk "science."

Persons supporting intelligent design like Gonzalez always fall back on the "I'm being persecuted" line. This is always their defense when confronted with the fact that there has never been any published evidence for intelligent design. Indeed, Gonzalez's own book, which he says "argues for design based on evidence drawn from the physical sciences," is published not by any scientific press, but by Regnery Publishing, a self-described "conservative publisher." They put out such great works as Unfit for Command, the book that unfairly portrayed John Kerry as a liar during the last presidential election cycle. This same publisher has been linked to white supremacist groups. Perfect place for a scientific treatise, huh?
Gonzalez said he doesn't want to attend forums because he doesn't approve of Avalos' [associate professor of religious studies at ISU] tactics.

He said he is the only "lightning rod" for intelligent design at ISU, which is why he said he feels the petition targets him.

Baldwin said she understands Gonzalez's reluctance to attend the forum.

"I think the problem here is we have a great number of faculty en masse who have said this is not science," she said. "Dr. Gonzalez is there, perhaps, alone. I don't know how many supporters he has in his department."
I feel so sorry for him. He's a lightning rod for intelligent design. Poor baby. Maybe if he didn't support such crackpot theories he'd feel better.


Posted: Fri - August 26, 2005 at 10:25 AM          
