Strange "Christian" T-Shirt Site 

I saw someone wearing the shirt pictured at right yesterday in a store. I thought it was pretty funny due to the head-in-the-sand attitude the shirt exudes. I especially like the fact that they just plastered an image of Darwin on the front. I tracked down the makers of this thing on the web - and if your think that shirt's bad, you ain't seen nothing baby. Check out some of the other whoppers they have available:

Ahhh - yes - the requisite Terri Schiavo exploitation selection. I see the "blame the judges" meme has penetrated everywhere. "We will not forget!" - well not until this shirt stops selling, anyway. I give it a week. And man can these guys keep current: They have three or four shirts about the death of Pope John Paul II. Yeah baby - profiting from someone's death is cool.

Allright! Let's get high! Oh wait, it's one of those clever word tricks where they say one thing but they ACTUALLY mean something else. Very clever. In the verses referenced by the shirt, Paul is stoned and carried out of a town and left for dead. Except he's not really dead yet and comes back for more. "Stand your ground for CHRIST!" Great - that's what we need - more martyr mentality. "Bitchin! Lets go get ourselves killed for Christ!"

And here we have the nicely offensive (to Muslims anyhow) claim that everything will be just fine in the Middle East just as soon as those damn furriners except Jesus into their hearts. You know, I bet the minority nutjob radical Muslims think the same thing about those nutjob radical Christians. If they'd just see the error of their ways...

Of course, no self-respecting crazy shirt site would be complete without a couple of self-serving out-of-context quotes from the enemy of the unborn, the founder of of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger. Read about all the stuff those wacky right-to-lifers have attributed to poor Margaret here. I can't believe that anyone still repeats these lies, but reality was never a challenge to these folks.

And someone needs to tell them that if they want to sell more shirts, perhaps they could come up with some better design software than the "Word Art" feature of Microsoft Word. Seriously, most of these look like they hacked them up in five minutes.

If you need to have one of these shirts, just hop on over to:  


Posted: Fri - April 15, 2005 at 10:59 AM          
