Salon on the Kansas' Kangaroo Court 

As most of you know, the Board of Education in Kansas has been holding some sort of mock-trial of evolution in order to change some of the teaching standards. The goal being, of course, to insert creationism disguised as Intelligent Design into the curriculum, to teach those godless heathens where it's at.

Salon has a wonderful recap [ad watching or subscription required] of the proceedings, including such gems as:
But Martin had trouble even articulating just what she dislikes about the current standards. Martin, you see, has not really read the curriculum committee's report, nor does she think such scrutiny is necessary.

"Please don't feel bad that you haven't read the whole thing," Martin told a creationist "witness" at the hearings on the science curriculum, "because I haven't read it myself." Audience members groaned. To clarify, Martin later explained: "I'm not a word-for-word reader in this kind of technical information."
Isn't that special. A member of the school board debating this issue hasn't read it. Not a word-for-word reader. What a knuckle-dragging moron.


Posted: Fri - May 13, 2005 at 02:29 PM          
